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帖子发表于: 星期五 十二月 06, 2013 5:26 am    发表主题: ybfoc mxygp# for 30% hxkcbz6 引用并回复

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City had further chances to extend their lead with Jackson lifting a shot over the bar after beating the offside trap. www.simple-et-chic.com/shop.php?id=76 "On 12/12 an individual logged onto a website called 4Chan.com and anonymously posted 'I going to kill myself on Friday and it will make the news. be watching at 9:00 am,'" according to a search warrant cited in the official report. "(Then) another anonymous individual asked 'Where at?' The first individual responded 'I live in Connecticut, that as much as Il say.'"
I think we re good enough and I think we proved it on Saturday. We proved our character for sure, and we know we ve got the footballing ability. I m sure we ll bounce back, added Greene. moncler outlet deutschland China is changing the governance of State-owned enterprises (SOEs). The ruling Communist Party of China has pledged to separate government from the market, and has announced for the first time that the market should play a "decisive" role in the economy. The pledge was vowed at the recently closed CPC Central Committee, which maps out the country's direction for the next decade.China's SOE system needs comprehensive reform. Various options have been debated, such as market access. One option, essential to the reform but missed in the debate, is reducing the concentrated power held by SOEs.As early as 1993, China set the reform goal for SOEs as the "separation of government and enterprises." To achieve the goal, China created the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission (SASAC) in 2003. SASAC acts as the shareholder of SOEs while shepherding the reform across industrial sectors.However, the structure of SASAC causes unintended problems. It not only has the power to control personnel and compensation on the corporate board, it also controls management. Meanwhile, in some SOEs, one executive calls all the shots.Such concentrations of power result in waste and corruption in the management of State assets, and degrade democracy within SOEs.The new Chinese leadership has called for further reform in all sectors including SOEs. A clear step, which is already underway, is the establishment of boards of directors in all central SOEs. Central SOEs are those directly supervised by SASAC at the state level, compared with local SOEs supervised by SASAC at the provincial level. Central SOEs are considered a pillar of the Chinese economy.The boards of directors are expected to replace the old hierarchy in corporate decision-making. Once that goal is met, the power to determine managerial personnel and compensation can be transferred from SASAC to the boards.Compared with SASAC, corporate boards are in a better position to choose management. They are also willing to protect minority shareholders, which is of particular concern, as even more SOEs will be opened up to private and foreign investors following the plenum's decision. So far, 52 out of 113 central SOEs have already established boards of directors. In order to solve the SOE problem, the government, as the dominant shareholder, should bear a fiduciary duty to minority shareholders. Otherwise, SASAC can abuse its power to advance political influence and administrative corruption. So restrictive rules against those non-economic purposes must be instituted, and minority shareholders should be able to sue for injunction and relief.The government should also refrain from controlling share transfers of SOE subsidiaries. Chinese law has allowed SASAC to decide such trades so far. This contradicts a basic principle that the parent company, and no other entity, should control its subsidiaries. The current practice should be changed to return the power to the parent SOEs.SASAC should segregate the assets and liabilities of an SOE from those of its own as the shareholder. Assets and liabilities between SOEs should also be separated. The enduring practice by SASAC to transfer the assets of one SOE of others suspiciously violates the foundation of the modern economy - the concept of a limited-liability company. As a backstop, an environment must be prepared that allows central SOEs to go bankrupt, since central SOEs are currently prevented from being insolvent.China's SOE reform has been pragmatic, rather than radically privatizing overnight. The changes in SOE corporate governance will reduce government intervention in the daily management of SOEs.SASAC is expected to formulate a comprehensive SOE reform plan, following the conclusion of the plenum. The plan should focus on improving SOE corporate governance, as this is the key to separating government from enterprises.The author is a PhD in law at the University of International Business and Economics and a Fulbright scholar at Harvard Law School.
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The incident quickly sparked chatter on Twitter and drew a crowd of onlookers to the scene. Passenger Frank Tatulli told WABC he thought the train was traveling "a lot faster" than usual. http://www.simple-et-chic.com/shop.php?id=74 As a lottery proposal, House Bill 77, once again wends its way through the Legislature, opponents are trotting out the same old tired arguments.Many of those are based on myth, if not on a desire to mislead the public.Listen to state Rep. John Eklund, R-Cheyenne: Studies indicate lotteries create more expenses on the social end of things than the money brought in by the lottery itself. Compulsive gambling tears up families, and who takes care of these families when they fall apart? It is the government that usually has to step in and take care of it. But we are unable to find a single objective survey one not sponsored by a religious or politically motivated group that supports Mr. Eklund s position. Yes, compulsive gambling does harm families and drive up social costs for government. But where the lawmaker s argument breaks down is when he tries to apply it to lottos.Studies show that lotteries at least on the scale of a state or national game like Powerball do not turn innocent people into compulsive gamblers. Instead, it is casinos and games like video poker that provide more instant gratification, and that is what tends to make them more addictive. Some even have called video poker the crack cocaine of gambling. The other argument bound to be trotted out is that lotteries take advantage of the poor. Again, that is partially true. The poor do spend more than the rich, as a percentage of their incomes, on lotteries. In that sense, the games are a form of regressive taxation.But underlying this are data that show the kind of lottery product makes a big difference. According to a Brookings Institution study, low-income players are more attracted to instant games; those with upper incomes focus on jackpot lottos. The driving force for the poor also appears to be the instant gratification that comes from scratch-off tickets.This means lottery opponents would be wiser to focus on banning instant games than in trying to kill a Wyoming lottery altogether.But then, most residents know the opposition really is about morals and religion, not about concerns for the poor or fears of the social impacts of gambling. And it would be more honest for opponents to say that than to continue to peddle misleading myths about the dangers of lotteries.Poll after poll shows that large majorities of Wyomingites want to be able to play a lottery, either a state-run game (which may not work, given the state s small population) or a Powerball. Indeed, it is no coincidence that the highest-yielding lotto outlet in Colorado is less than 10 miles across the border south of Cheyenne.HB 77 has been introduced, but as of Monday morning it had not been assigned to committee. It is our hope that legislators will have an honest debate about it rather than allowing it to be killed by myths and half-truths from the moralists as has happened too many times in the past.Wyoming can use the extra revenue (though we would prefer to see it stay in the general fund than go to localities as HB 77 proposes).True, a state game will not raise huge amounts. But we continue to wonder why lawmakers push residents money toward Colorado where it is used to improve state parks, provide recreation facilities and fund wildlife projects when it could be doing the same sorts of things in the Cowboy State. moncler anorak
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